Friday Night Charity
The FNC are a local small charity based in Fareham, Hampshire.
Their mission is to improve the wellbeing of adults with learning disabilities and/or mental health issues through activities that help them feel valued within their community.
They run activities throughout the week run solely by volunteers and support staff.
With Public Sector NHS and Adult services facing so many cut backs, the services being offered are greatly reducing whereas the Friday Night Charity now have over 100 people attending one of more of the activities offered which is simply fantastic they are filling this gap and providing such vital support to those who need it in our community.
The Eight Foundation team met with the charity and were blown away by the incredible work they are doing, they just knew they had to help out somehow!
We are delighted to now be fully funding their Wednesday Club, we can see first-hand the huge impact this is having on so many people and is truly humbling to be able to part of it all.
A fantastic example of exactly where your donations go…